Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society

Established January 12, 1968

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Monthly Speakers - 2025

February Meeting Hot Spring County Judge, Dennis Thornton gave very informative information about past work and future plans for Hot Spring County. Pictured is Vice President, Melissa Phillips presenting the book, "Presenting the Past," which was published by Wendy Richter.
  • February Meeting Hot Spring County Judge, Dennis Thornton gave very informative information about past work and future plans for Hot Spring County. Pictured is Vice President, Melissa Phillips presenting the book, "Presenting the Past," which was published by Wendy Richter.
  • March 3, 2025 meeting Darrell Hughes was our March 3, 2025 speaker. He spoke on the history of Rockport, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Pictured is Vice President, Melissa Phillips presenting Darrell the book, "Presenting the Past," which was published by Wendy Richter.

Monthly Speakers - 2024

February Meeting Vice President/Program Director, Melissa Phillips presenting our February 2024 speaker, Linda Cunningham with a copy of "Presenting The Past," which was published by Windy Richter. Linda presented a slide video and spoke about Malvern's Esso bulk plant and various Malvern Esso Stations. She also displayed numerous items relating to Esso. Linda's father, Charles A. Vaughn owned and operated an Esso Station in Malvern and her maternal grandfather, Foster J. Inglis was a distributor based in Malvern for the Esso company.
  • February Meeting Vice President/Program Director, Melissa Phillips presenting our February 2024 speaker, Linda Cunningham with a copy of "Presenting The Past," which was published by Windy Richter. Linda presented a slide video and spoke about Malvern's Esso bulk plant and various Malvern Esso Stations. She also displayed numerous items relating to Esso. Linda's father, Charles A. Vaughn owned and operated an Esso Station in Malvern and her maternal grandfather, Foster J. Inglis was a distributor based in Malvern for the Esso company.
  • March Meeting At our March 18, 2024 meeting, Charley Sandage performed selections from songs that he wrote about Arkansas History. The meeting was held in the Lecture Hall, at Arkansas State University Three Rivers in Malvern. HSCAHS President, Kinney Black presented Mr. Sandage with a copy of the book, "Presenting The Past," by Wendy Richter.
  • April Meeting Melissa Phillips (right) presenting Virginia Voss with a copy of "Presenting the Past," which was published by Wendy Richter. Virginia gave a very informative and enjoyable presentation about the history of Wal-Mart in Malvern.
  • April Meeting Malvern Wal-Mart retired associates. Left to right: Virginia Voss, Trish Sullivan, Delinda Hodges and Linda Jackson.
  • May 6 Meeting Left to Right Kinney Black (HSCAHS President), Bob Thompson and Dr. Wendy Richter of the Clark County Arkansas Historical Association. In the photo Kinney Black is presenting Dr. Wendy Richter with a copy of the HSCAHS publication "Hot Spring County Marriage Records 1825-1900." Dr. Richter and Bob Thompson gave a presentation on Steamboats navigating the upper Ouachita River.

Monthly Speakers - 2023

March Meeting Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2023 edition of The Heritage. At our March 6th meeting, Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2022 edition of The Heritage. Mr. Vance, Chief Mortician & Funeral Director in Charge of Samuel L. Vance & Sons Funeral Directors, gave a presentation on funeral practices and shared the history and make-over of the Samuel L. Vance and Sons Funeral Directors building at 413 W. Page Ave., Malvern.
  • March Meeting Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2023 edition of The Heritage. At our March 6th meeting, Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2022 edition of The Heritage. Mr. Vance, Chief Mortician & Funeral Director in Charge of Samuel L. Vance & Sons Funeral Directors, gave a presentation on funeral practices and shared the history and make-over of the Samuel L. Vance and Sons Funeral Directors building at 413 W. Page Ave., Malvern.
  • April Meeting Dr. Wendy Richter, retired State Historian and Director of the Arkansas State Archives was our guest speaker at our April 3, 2023 meeting. She has authored, compiled and edited many books and articles on state, regional and local history. At the meeting Dr. Richter shared some stories from her recent publication “Presenting the Past.” The 164-page book, complete with photos, is a compilation of stories written by Richter and published over the last decade in the Malvern Daily Record. The collection of stories offers a glimpse into the history of Hot Spring County and the surrounding areas. Pictured is Melissa Phillips presenting Dr. Richter with a copy of the 2022 issue of The Heritage.
  • April Meeting Dr. Wendy Richter, retired State Historian and Director of the Arkansas State Archives was our guest speaker at our April 3, 2023 meeting. She has authored, compiled and edited many books and articles on state, regional and local history. At the meeting Dr. Richter shared some stories from her recent publication “Presenting the Past.” The 164-page book, complete with photos, is a compilation of stories written by Richter and published over the last decade in the Malvern Daily Record. The collection of stories offers a glimpse into the history of Hot Spring County and the surrounding areas. In this photo, Melissa Phillips is receiving a donated copy on behalf of the Society.
  • May meeting Melissa Phillips presenting our May speaker, Dr. Frank G. Thibault, MD with a copy of the 1990 issue of The Heritage. Dr. Thibault spoke about the lineage of physicians in his family which traces back to before Arkansas was a state. He can trace his roots as a physician to Dr. Lorenzo Gibson, who arrived in central Arkansas in 1833.
  • August meeting Dr. Sam Taggart gave a very informative and enjoyable presentation about his book, "The Public's Health." Pictured is Melissa Phillips presenting Dr. Taggart with a copy of Wendy Richter's book, "Presenting the Past."

Monthly Speakers - 2022

April Meeting photo 1 Vice-President/Program Director, Danny Phillips presenting Jan Specht with Volume 1 of our publication, The Heritage. Jan spoke at our April meeting about the Baptist Health Center-Hot Spring County Hospital Auxiliary Association, also know as "The Pink Ladies."
  • April Meeting photo 1 Vice-President/Program Director, Danny Phillips presenting Jan Specht with Volume 1 of our publication, The Heritage. Jan spoke at our April meeting about the Baptist Health Center-Hot Spring County Hospital Auxiliary Association, also know as "The Pink Ladies."
  • April Meeting photo 2 Mary Evelyn Lawrence and Jan Specht, Baptist Health Medical Center-Hot Spring County Hospital Auxiliary Association "Pink Ladies." Mary Evelyn and her husband Homer serve on the Board of Directors of the Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society.
  • May Meeting Marion Gibson (right) gave a very informative presentation on the Henson-Benson Foundation. Melissa Phillips presented Marion with a copy of the 2021 Heritage.
  • June Meeting Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Marva Jasper's presentation on the history of Greater New Hope Baptist Church. Pictured is Melissa Phillips, presenting Marva with a copy of the 2018 issue of the Heritage.
  • August 1, 2022 meeting, photo 1 of 2 Our guest speaker was Wendy Richter (right), retired state historian and director of the Arkansas State Archives. Her subject was, the upper Ouachita River Valley, including information about the Dunbar Expediton and the Southwestern Trail/Military Road. Pictured is our president, Melissa Phillips presenting Wendy with a 2021 issue of our publication, The Heritage.
  • August 1, 2022 meeting, photo 2 of 2 Our guest speaker, Wendy Richter (right), presenting our society with a copy of her book, “Documenting the Upper Ouachita River Valley.” It will be a great asset to our library. Thank you, Wendy!
  • September 2022 Speaker Dr. Sam Taggart spoke on Country Doctors of Arkansas. His presentation was very informative and interesting. Pictured is Melissa Philips presenting Dr. Taggart with a copy of the 1985 issue of The Heritage, a publication of the Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society.

Monthly Speakers - 2021

Clem's Bottling Works Presentation Gerald W. Williams (right) presented a slide video about Clem's Bottling Works. Wayne Nugent (left) brought his Clem's bottle case which held the first Clem's bottles. The bottles were the Hutchinson style bottles, named for the type seal that was used. The bottles were cased upside down in this type case. The reason being that it was necessary for keeping the bottle sealed. The first bottle used is pictured on the left and dates from 1907. The bottle on the right dates from 1972, the year Clem's closed.
  • Clem's Bottling Works Presentation Gerald W. Williams (right) presented a slide video about Clem's Bottling Works. Wayne Nugent (left) brought his Clem's bottle case which held the first Clem's bottles. The bottles were the Hutchinson style bottles, named for the type seal that was used. The bottles were cased upside down in this type case. The reason being that it was necessary for keeping the bottle sealed. The first bottle used is pictured on the left and dates from 1907. The bottle on the right dates from 1972, the year Clem's closed.
  • Clem's Hutchinson style bottle case and bottles.
  • Gretchen Ritchey Gretchen Ritchey, an AmeriCorps Vista member assigned to Hot Spring County Conversations who assists HSC Judge Thornton and County Conversations volunteers to promote the execution and reporting of our county’s multi-year strategic plan, gave a very informative presentation on the progress that has been made in Hot Spring County through the implementation of the County Conversations. Photo: Gretchen (left) is presented Volume 1 of our publication, The Heritage by President, Melisa Phillips.
  • October 4th Meeting Pres. Melissa Phillips presented Dr. David Sesser a copy of 2018 issue of our publication, "The Heritage." Dr. Sesser, from Henderson State University, gave a very informative presentation on "Confederate Major General Thomas J. Churchill at Jenkins' Ferry."
  • October 9, 2021 This was a special event, held at Arkansas State University - Three Rivers. Pictured is Vice Pres./Program Director, Danny Phillips presenting Gary Pinkerton a copy of the first edition of our publication, "The Heritage." Mr. Pinkerton gave a presentation on, "Trammel's Trace, The First Road To Texas From The North." He is also the author of a book by the same title. The event was partially funded by your 1/8 cent conservation tax, "Amendment 75." Thank you to all who came to this great event.

Monthly Speakers - 2020

February 3, 2020 Vice President/Program Director, Danny Phillips, presenting Dr. Steve and Connie Rook with a copy of "The Album of Yesteryear," a publication of the Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society. Dr. Rook is the Chancellor of Arkansas State University- Three Rivers, in Malvern, Arkansas. The Society toured the historic Brown House which was built by the owner of the form International Shoe Company which was located in Malvern.
  • February 3, 2020 Vice President/Program Director, Danny Phillips, presenting Dr. Steve and Connie Rook with a copy of "The Album of Yesteryear," a publication of the Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society. Dr. Rook is the Chancellor of Arkansas State University- Three Rivers, in Malvern, Arkansas. The Society toured the historic Brown House which was built by the owner of the form International Shoe Company which was located in Malvern.

Monthly Speakers - 2019

Kim Sanders Our February 4th meeting was held in the Great Room at the College of the Ouachitas. A History of Japanese internment Camps in Arkansas during World War II was presented by Kim Sanders from the Butler Center in Little Rock.
  • Kim Sanders Our February 4th meeting was held in the Great Room at the College of the Ouachitas. A History of Japanese internment Camps in Arkansas during World War II was presented by Kim Sanders from the Butler Center in Little Rock.
  • Kelly Freudensprung The speaker for our April meeting was Kelly Freudensprung, publisher of the Malvern Daily Record. His presentation was newspaper's history. Pictured is Kinney Black (left) presenting Mr. Freudensprung a copy of the society's publication "Album of Yesteryears."
  • August 2019 Speaker Pictured left is Kinney Black (Vice-President/Program Director,) presenting our speaker, Russell Baker (Retired Archival Manager, Arkansas History Commission) with a copy of our publication, "The Album of Yesteryear." Mr. Baker gave a very informative presentation on what to do when your genealogy research has hit a brick wall.

Monthly Speakers 2018

Claudine James February 5, 2018 - At our February meeting Claudine James gave a very informative presentation on the Rosenwald School, also known as the Malvern Colored School and Tuggle Elementary. Claudine is a 1985 Honor Graduate of Malvern High School and English Language Arts Teacher.
  • Claudine James February 5, 2018 - At our February meeting Claudine James gave a very informative presentation on the Rosenwald School, also known as the Malvern Colored School and Tuggle Elementary. Claudine is a 1985 Honor Graduate of Malvern High School and English Language Arts Teacher.
  • Kinney Black March 5, 2018 meeting - Vice President / Program Director Kinney Black gave a presentation on Hot Spring County schools that are now closed and their consolidation to form the five school districts that are in the county today.
  • William McKinney (Kinney) Black April 2, 2018 - Our April meeting was held at Bismarck High School. Vice President / Program Director, Kinney Black gave an informative meeting about the former schools in Hot Spring County which over time merged into the five School Districts that exist today. The number of schools is growing as research continues. Currently there were about 100 schools throughout the county. We'd like to thank the Bismarck School District for allowing us to use the school for this months meeting.
  • Kinney Black & Ray Hanley May 7, 2018 - Ray Hanley gave a presentation on historic postcards of Hot Spring County and the surrounding areas.
  • Kinney Black & Terry Diggs June 4, 2018 - Terry Diggs gave a presentation titled, "Mazarn Meanderings."
  • Dr. Mary Beth Trubitt, PH.D and Kinney Black October 1, 2018 - Dr. Mary Beth Trubitt gave an informative presentation about Arkansas archaeological digs (in particular the Jones Mills, Arkansas area.) Kinney Black, HSCHS Vice President presented Dr. Trubitt with a copy of "The Album Of Yesteryear"
  • Kinny Black November 5, 2018 - Kinney Black, Vice President/Program Director, gave an update on the research he is doing on the schools of Hot Spring County past. He also reported that several more yearbooks have been donated, including a 1939 Malvern High School.

Monthly Speakers - 2017

Kelly Bryant & Kinney Black Kelly Bryant was our February 2017 Speaker. She gave a wonderful presentation on the history of Bethel AME Church, Malvern, Arkansas. Pictured is Kinney Black presenting Miss Bryant with a copy of the 2016 Heritage.
  • Kelly Bryant & Kinney Black Kelly Bryant was our February 2017 Speaker. She gave a wonderful presentation on the history of Bethel AME Church, Malvern, Arkansas. Pictured is Kinney Black presenting Miss Bryant with a copy of the 2016 Heritage.
  • Kinney Black & Dr. Tom Dillard Our March speaker was Dr. Tom Dillard who gave a wonderful presentation on the community of Tulip and its impact on Arkansas History. Pictured is Kinney Black, Vice President / Program Director, presenting Dr. Dillard with a copy of "The Album of Yesteryears", a 2016 revised edition of a book of photos which was originally published in 1976.
  • Jay Isenhour & Kinney Black July 10, 2017 - At our July meeting, Jay Isenhour, plant manager of Acme Brick, gave a very good presentation on the history of Acme Brick. Pictured is Kinney Black, HSCHS president/program director, presenting Jay Isenhour with a copy of Volume 20, 1993, 25th Year Silver Jubilee issue of "The Heritage".
  • Kinney Black & Josh Williams August 7, 2017 - Josh Williams, Curator of Old Washington State Park gave a very informative presentation about "The Old Military Road from Fulton to Little Rock, with special emphasis on Hot Spring County".
  • Noreen Houpt & Dr. Lisa Speer October 2, 2017 - Dr. Lisa Speer (right) presented an informative program on the Arkansas Territory Bi-Centennial. Dr. Speer is the director of the Arkansas State Archives (formerly the Arkansas History Commission). Pictured is Noreen Houpt (Hot Spring County Historical Society President) presenting Dr. Speer with a copy of "The Album of Yesteryear" a pictorial history publication of the Society.

Monthly Speakers - 2016

Mikki Fendley and Sarah Smith Former students of Bismarck High School, Mikki Fendley and Sarah Smith were our January 2016 speakers. They spoke about the Bismarck Project, a book of local history and photos from Bismarck and the surrounding communities. They explained that the project came about through a grant from the Ross Foundation. Nine students, with guidance and supervision of the Bismarck High School librarian, reached out to the communities for history, photos and interviews. The response from the communities was overwhelming and the result was a history book that those involved and the School District can be proud of.
  • Mikki Fendley and Sarah Smith Former students of Bismarck High School, Mikki Fendley and Sarah Smith were our January 2016 speakers. They spoke about the Bismarck Project, a book of local history and photos from Bismarck and the surrounding communities. They explained that the project came about through a grant from the Ross Foundation. Nine students, with guidance and supervision of the Bismarck High School librarian, reached out to the communities for history, photos and interviews. The response from the communities was overwhelming and the result was a history book that those involved and the School District can be proud of.
  • Jerry Whatley February 2016 Speaker - Jerry Whatley shared numerous vintage photos of Lono places and people. These included the CCC camp, the Lono School, and various farm houses. He also spoke about the Elliot's, Tankersley's, Whatley's, and others. Pictured is Vice President/Program Coordinator, Kinney Black presenting Jerry Whatley with a copy of The Heritage.
  • Malvern Schools East Lab April 2016 speakers, Students from the Malvern Schools East Lab
  • Lanie Howell May 2016 speaker, Lanie Howell of the Malvern Chamber of Commerce
  • Doug Green Our June meeting was held at the Bismarck Elementary School cafeteria. The presentation was given by Doug Green with input from many in attendance.
  • Orval Allbritton Our September speaker was Orval Allbritton, Author who spoke about shootouts between gamblers in Malvern and Hot Springs, Arkansas.
  • Dr. Wendy Richter Our speaker for the October 3,2016 meeting was Dr. Wendy Richter of Ouachita Baptist University and the Clark County, Arkansas Historical Society and Museum. Her presentation was on the Hunter-Dunbar expedition of 1804-1805. It included a display of William Dunbar's ledger, compass, eyeglasses, pen, and tweezers.

Monthly Speakers - 2015

Daryl Martin January 2015 - Daryl Martin, owner of C & A Monuments, spoke on Headstone Preservation.
  • Daryl Martin January 2015 - Daryl Martin, owner of C & A Monuments, spoke on Headstone Preservation.
  • Nikki Launius February 2015 - Nikki Lauinus, Executive Director of the Malvern Chamber of Commerce gave a brief history of the Chamber and showed an early membership book from when the group was first formed in 1916.
  • Tim Holicer March 2, 2015 - Tim Holicer, Superintendent of Glen Rose School District spoke about the History of Glen Rose and the Glen Rose School District.
  • Stan Holicer March 2, 2015 - Glen Rose Schools Alumni, Stan Holicer gave several stories and facts concerning the history of the Glen Rose School District.
  • Vice President, Kinney Black and Janis West April 6, 2015 - Janis West, Chairwoman of the Hot Spring County Museum Commission spoke about the history of the museum, which includes The Boyle House Museum (1891), The Hughes House (1876), and The Gibbs Cabin (1868).
  • Virginia Cardin, Janis West, Mary Waniewski Hot Spring County Museum Chairwoman, Janis West and staff members, Virginia Cardin and Mary Waniewski.
  • Mary Deere June 1, 2015 - Arkansas State DAR Regent, Mary H. Deere spoke on the founding and history of the Daughters of the American Revolution , and the various contributions to public service that they are involved in.
  • Jack McCoy June 1, 2015 - Jack spoke on the 3rd Arkansas Infantry Regiment, the only Arkansas regiment to serve the entire war in the east, where most of the major battles were fought. They were also the only Arkansas regiment to initially sign up for the duration of the war.
  • Andy Goodman (left), Kinney Black (right) November 2, 2015 - Andy Goodman with the Commissioner of State Lands office gave a great presentation on the History and purposed of the department and the historical documents that are held at the Arkansas State Capital.

Monthly Speakers - 2014

Dr Stephen Schoonmaker October 2014 - Dr. Steven Schoonmaker spoke on the history of COTO, (College of The Ouachitas)
  • Dr Stephen Schoonmaker October 2014 - Dr. Steven Schoonmaker spoke on the history of COTO, (College of The Ouachitas)
  • Elizabeth Hill, with Vise President Kinney Black August 2014 - Elizabeth Hill presented a fascinating program on the History of the Arkansas Extension Homemakers Club.
  • Ann Ashcraft August 2014 - Ann Ashcraft presented information about the local Hot Spring County Home Extension Homemakers Club.
  • Tom Dillard June 2014 - Dr. Tom Dillard spoke on finding history in small county towns.
  • Dr. Lisa Speer May 2014 - Dr. Lisa Speers, of the Arkansas History Commission, presented a program on the History of Francois Missionary Baptist Church and its historical families. She provided research tips on how to locate other source documentation to do this type of research. She also reviewed the current holdings digital and hard copy and website updates for the Arkansas History Commissions Website.
  • John Allen Funk November 2013 - John Allen Funk, owner of J. A. Funk Funeral Home, gave a brief history of Oak Ridge Cemetery along with a Platte Map, and gave a discussion on the current cemetery expansion. He reported that there is a huge waiting list for grave plots.
  • Randy Burks September 2013 - Randy Burks. Randy gave a presentation on Genealogical DNA.
  • Mike Burris 2013 - Mike Burris spoke about a project of preserving the oral/video histories of individuals/families throughout Hot Spring County, beginning with the oldest generations. Mike suggested the Society use the young people in school's East Program to assist with this project.
  • Fran Bailey and students of the Malvern High School East Lab 2013 - Fran Bailey and students of the Malvern High School East Lab gave a presentation about their willingness and technological capabilities to offer assistance to the Society for future projects.
  • Sheila Beatty 2013 - Sheila Beatty gave a presentation about "The Orphan Trains and Their Riders,1854-1929".
  • Richard Jenkins 2013 - Friends of Jenkin's Ferry, Richard Jenkins (pictured) and Tommy Green gave a presentation on the Jenkins Ferry Battle Ground.
  • Tommy Green 2013 - Friends of Jenkin's Ferry, Tommy Green (pictured) and Richard Jenkins gave a presentation on the Jenkins Ferry Battle Ground.
  • Roy Wilson January 2013 - Roy Wilson gave a presentation on The Battle of Jenkin's Ferry.

Show & Tell - January 2023

Doris West Narrow Gauge railroad spike and rail.
  • Doris West Narrow Gauge railroad spike and rail.
  • Kinney Black WWI bayonet with 16-inch blade.
  • Jack Davis Grandpa’s 22 caliber single shot rifle.
  • Sonny Grumby 1 quart hand-crank ice cream maker.
  • Wayne Nugent A multi-use garlic press and potato masher.
  • Gerald W. Williams Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp bottle from an old fire extinguisher. The bottle held sulfuric acid and was caped with a lead stopper. When the extinguisher was turned upside down the acid was released into a solution of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) and water. This caused a chemical reaction that pressurized the extinguisher.
  • Gail Rushing A copy of a recipe hand-written by Mrs. Harry Truman. A batch of coconut cookies made from Mrs. Harry Truman’s recipe was enjoyed by attendees at the meeting. Thank you Gail Rushing for this yummy “show and tell”.

Monthly Speakers - 2023

March Meeting Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2023 edition of The Heritage. At our March 6th meeting, Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2022 edition of The Heritage. Mr. Vance, Chief Mortician & Funeral Director in Charge of Samuel L. Vance & Sons Funeral Directors, gave a presentation on funeral practices and shared the history and make-over of the Samuel L. Vance and Sons Funeral Directors building at 413 W. Page Ave., Malvern.
  • March Meeting Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2023 edition of The Heritage. At our March 6th meeting, Vice President Melissa Phillips presenting Samuel L. Vance II a copy of the 2022 edition of The Heritage. Mr. Vance, Chief Mortician & Funeral Director in Charge of Samuel L. Vance & Sons Funeral Directors, gave a presentation on funeral practices and shared the history and make-over of the Samuel L. Vance and Sons Funeral Directors building at 413 W. Page Ave., Malvern.
  • April Meeting Dr. Wendy Richter, retired State Historian and Director of the Arkansas State Archives was our guest speaker at our April 3, 2023 meeting. She has authored, compiled and edited many books and articles on state, regional and local history. At the meeting Dr. Richter shared some stories from her recent publication “Presenting the Past.” The 164-page book, complete with photos, is a compilation of stories written by Richter and published over the last decade in the Malvern Daily Record. The collection of stories offers a glimpse into the history of Hot Spring County and the surrounding areas. Pictured is Melissa Phillips presenting Dr. Richter with a copy of the 2022 issue of The Heritage.
  • April Meeting Dr. Wendy Richter, retired State Historian and Director of the Arkansas State Archives was our guest speaker at our April 3, 2023 meeting. She has authored, compiled and edited many books and articles on state, regional and local history. At the meeting Dr. Richter shared some stories from her recent publication “Presenting the Past.” The 164-page book, complete with photos, is a compilation of stories written by Richter and published over the last decade in the Malvern Daily Record. The collection of stories offers a glimpse into the history of Hot Spring County and the surrounding areas. In this photo, Melissa Phillips is receiving a donated copy on behalf of the Society.
  • May meeting Melissa Phillips presenting our May speaker, Dr. Frank G. Thibault, MD with a copy of the 1990 issue of The Heritage. Dr. Thibault spoke about the lineage of physicians in his family which traces back to before Arkansas was a state. He can trace his roots as a physician to Dr. Lorenzo Gibson, who arrived in central Arkansas in 1833.
  • August meeting Dr. Sam Taggart gave a very informative and enjoyable presentation about his book, "The Public's Health." Pictured is Melissa Phillips presenting Dr. Taggart with a copy of Wendy Richter's book, "Presenting the Past."

Show & Tell - October 2022

Evalyn Pye Evalyn Pye is showing a flower vase, one of two that once adorned the interior of an early Model A Ford car. In addition to their beauty they were also the first automobile air-fresheners
  • Evalyn Pye Evalyn Pye is showing a flower vase, one of two that once adorned the interior of an early Model A Ford car. In addition to their beauty they were also the first automobile air-fresheners
  • Gail Rushing Gail Rushing is showing a 1917 Sears Roebuck Spring and Summer Sample Book for Men and Young Men. It included fabric samples that were attached to the pages.
  • Jeff Howard Jeff Howard brought two solid wood wood-planes. He said they were used in the era from 1900 to 1920. Pictured is the larger of the two.
  • Cliff Crawford Cliff Crawford is showing a Malvern High School homecoming beanie cap. The embroidery on the cap includes, H. & C. Chrysler & Plymouth. H. C. stands for Holiman-Creason. It also includes a football shaped badge that reads, "Malvern Leopards.""
  • Jerri Crawford Jerrie Crawford is brought and donated several Magnet Cove yearbooks to the Society. A student in the one she is showing was Mary Lawrence Cheatham who was a long time librarian at the Malvern-Hot Spring County Library.
  • Gerald W. Williams Gerald W. Williams is showing a Malvern High School lunchroom tray. It was first used when the current building was constructed in 1971. He was allowed to get the tray that was in Pratt Elementary, just before that building was raised.
  • Gerald W. Williams Gerald W. Williams shared this 1947 Royal Crown Cola bottle that was given to him by his uncle, James Collie.
  • Gerald W. Williams Gerald W. Williams shared this 1947 Royal Crown Cola bottle that was given to him by his uncle, James Collie.
  • JoEllen Poynor Jo Ellen Poynor is showing a coloring book that belonged to her husband’s father and was made for him by her husband’s grandmother.
  • Kinney Black Kinney Black is showing a 1949 Malvern High School yearbook that was recently donated by Danny Riggan.
  • Kinney Black for Mary Jim Ledbetter Kinney Black is showing Mary Jim Ledbetter’s stand made from horse shoes and horse harness hame. The decorative brass knob is original. These had various purposes such as holding an ashtray on the horse shoe that is near the top or as an umbrella stand.
  • Danny Phillips Danny Phillips shared a framed photo of his great grandfather Daniel Isaiah Hendrix of Ops in Hot Spring County. He was a Civil War veteran, postmaster of Ops, a Lutheran and was married to Senora Emilene Sultan.
  • Jean Ballard Jean Ballard (Mrs. Dub) shared memories of their years owning the Dairy Bar before it became Mel's. She also shared some photos of family and the Hickory Grove School in the Draper Community.

Show & Tell - November 2021

Gail Rushing Gail Rushing brought a number of Malvern Garden Club scrapbooks that belonged to her mother, Virginia Rushing. Gail not only showed the scrapbooks but also donated them to our Society. Thank you Gail!
  • Gail Rushing Gail Rushing brought a number of Malvern Garden Club scrapbooks that belonged to her mother, Virginia Rushing. Gail not only showed the scrapbooks but also donated them to our Society. Thank you Gail!
  • Melissa Phillips Melissa brought a cameo necklace that belonged to her mother, Zulema Langston, and a photo of her mother wearing the necklace. Mrs. Langston's father gave her the neckace when she went off to college. She was a 3rd Grade teacher at Magnet Cover for over 40 years.
  • Melissa Phillips A close up of the cameo necklace that was given to Melissa's mother, Zulema Langston, when she went off to college.
  • Zulema Langston Melissa Phillips' mother, Zulema Langston, wearing the cameo necklace that her father gave to her when she went off to college.
  • Danny Phillips Danny Phillips brought a scale for weighing cotton that belonged to his dad's father, Benjamin Franklin Phillips. He was born and raised in the Big Creek Community. He was a timberman for most of his life, a woodsman for all of it. He is buried at Big Creek Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery. He lived in Hot Spring County all of his life. Danny also brought a cedar chest, which was a wedding gift to his grandmother, Edith Eunice Hendrix Phillips. It was made by her father, Daniel Isaiah Hendrix. She was raised at Ops, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas. She is buried in the Big Creek Cemetery, having lived 91 years, most of it in Hot Spring County. See less
  • Kinney Black Kinney Black brought a large jimmy-john jug (also called dimijohn) that was filled with buttons. It was given to him by the late Odie Fite Shepherd. The jug originally belonged to Odie's grandmother, who filled it with the buttons. Kinney said it is over 100 years old.
  • Homer Lawrence Homer Lawrence brought a 1993 Malvern Leopards AAA State Champs Cap.
  • Mary Evelyn Lawrence Mary Evelyn Lawrence brought her mother's washboard, which was made by the Western Washboard Sales Company.
  • Paul Adcox Paul Adcox brought an Ovide Patterned, Plantonite glass creamer once belonging to his mother. It was manufactured by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Co., which was in business from 1902-1964, in Wheeling, West Virginia. This particular type of glass was introduced in 1936. It is sometimes confused with Milk Glass, but this particular type of glass is more iridescent. This process consisted of an opaque glassware that would be treated with various finishes with "fired on" color or decoration. Paul found the color listed as 3 ways; salmon rust or red. Ovide Glass patterns and styles were produced in the 1940s and 1950s.
  • Paul Adcox A close up of the Ovide Patterned, Plantonite glass creamer that belonged to Paul Adcox's mother.
  • Terry McDermott Terry McDermott brought his Clem's Bottling Works bottle that was made in 1964.
  • Jean Harper Jean Harper brought a uniform patch that belonged to her father-in-law (Paul's dad, Elwood Harper) who served in the United States, 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion during WWII. She also brought a book that was written about the 601st, by Victor "Tory" Failmezgar. The book is titled, "American Knights: The Untold Story of the Men of the Legendary 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion."
  • Wayne Nugent Wayne Nugent showed a commemorative item that was made by Acme Brick Co., in 1936, which was not only the year of Arkansas' Centennial, but also the year that President Franklin Roosevelt came to Malvern.
  • Wayne Nugent A close up of the Arkansas Centennial item brought by Wayne Nugent.
  • Wayne Nugent Wayne also brought a paperweight that was made in Malvern by the Hoover Ball & Bearing Company. The larger bearing spins on the smaller ones.
  • Wayne Nugent A close up of the Hoover Ball & Bearing paper weight that Wayne Nugent brought.

Show & Tell - June 2021

Melissa Phillips Melissa showed a counterpane (bedspread) which was done by the grandmother of her mother, Zulema Little Langston. (Mrs. Langston was a teacher at Magnet Cove for many years). Her grandmother picked the cotton, carded it, spun it, dyed it and wove it on a loom. It's pattern is reversed on the backside.
  • Melissa Phillips Melissa showed a counterpane (bedspread) which was done by the grandmother of her mother, Zulema Little Langston. (Mrs. Langston was a teacher at Magnet Cove for many years). Her grandmother picked the cotton, carded it, spun it, dyed it and wove it on a loom. It's pattern is reversed on the backside.
  • Melissa Phillips A close up of the counterpane (bedspread) which was shown by Melissa Phillips. It was done by the grandmother of her mother, Zulema Little Langston. (Mrs Langston was a teacher at Magnet Cove for many years.)Her grandmother picked the cotton, carded it, spun it, dyed it and wove it on a loom. It’s pattern is reversed on the backside.
  • Danny Phillips Danny showed a crosscut saw which belonged to Benjamin Franklin Phillips of of the Big Creek Community in Hot Spring County.
  • Danny Phillips Danny showed a family photo. The "sawyers" in the photo are Baileys, Keislers, Hendrix, Phillips and some Cunninghams. Photo taken circa 1900-1910.
  • Danny Phillips Closeup of a photo shown by Danny Phillips. The "sawyers" in the photo are Baileys, Keislers, Hendrix, Phillips and some Cunninghams. Photo taken circa 1900-1910.
  • Mary Evelyn Lawrence Mary Evelyn showed cuttings from her hydrangea. The plant originally was sent from a Malvern florist by a cousin to Mary Evelyn's mother in 1942. When Mary Evelyn married a part of the plant was transplanted to Mary Evelyn's yard on "North Babcock Hill." Then when she moved to Royal Oaks subdivision, the plant was transplanted again. Mary Evelyn's parents were John H. White and Myrtle Caroline Whitley White.
  • Kinney Black Kinney showed a pre-1918 oil lamp that belonged to his grandfather Wetherington, who was born in Hot Spring County, in 1883. Kinney's grandfather's parents moved here from South Georgia in 1873. Kinney has a sugar bowl that they brought here from Georgia.
  • Wayne Nugent Wayne showed a Codd-Neck soda bottle. The bottle was sealed from the inside with a marble. To drink or pour from the bottle, it had to be turned a certain way to keep the marble away from the opening.
  • Gerald W. Williams Gerald showed a Coca Cola can that he found under an air-handler at Malvern High School. The can was manufactured in 1970 according to the website,

Show & Tell - 2018

Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Mary Evelyn Lawrence showing a portrait of an unknown girl.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Mary Evelyn Lawrence showing a portrait of an unknown girl.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Oil lamp that belonged to Mary Evelyn Lawrence' parents, John & Myrtle White.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Louise White showing Christmas Tree ornaments from her childhood.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Christmas Tree ornaments from Louise White's childhood.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Gerald W. Williams showing a school traffic stop flag that was used at Pratt Elementary School, Malvern, Arkansas.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Pete Willis showing a document and telling about the history of Hot Spring County becoming 'dry.'
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Jim Houpt showing a 1890s spelling book that was given to his grandfather by John Lonsdale.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Brenda Kratz showing a 1918 quilting magazine.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Brenda Kratz showing an antique unfinished 'wedding ring' quilt.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Sandi McGuire showing a photo of employees of the Joe House sawmill.
  • Show and Tell - January 8, 2018 Jean Harper showing a photo of a group of girl scouts from Saginaw, Arkansas.

Donaldson, Friendship & Ouachita Schools Reunion - October 5, 2019

Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion
  • Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion
  • Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion
  • Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion Melissa Phillips, President
  • Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion Paul Adcox, Corresponding Secretary
  • Donaldson, Friendship, Ouachita Schools Reunion Paul Adcox, Corresponding Secretary & Gerald W. Williams, "The Heritage" Editor

Lono School Reunion - September 14, 2019

  • IMG_6609
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  • Lono School Bell Lono School Bell
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  • Pauls photo 1
  • Pauls photo 2
  • Photo Scanners Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society members who scanned photos: Pat Carver, Gerald W. Williams and Paul Adcox.

Hunter Dunbar Event - September 13, 2019

Hunter Dunabar 6
  • Hunter Dunabar 6
  • Hunter Dunabar 5 Pictured left to right are: James Thompson, Tim Richardson, Ed Williams, Bill Runyan and Doyle Ritchey
  • Hunter Dunabar 2
  • Hunter Dunabar 3
  • Hunter Dunabar 4

Etheree Poetry Contest Winners - September 10, 2018

Etheree Poetry Contest Winners Colin Julian, Deegan Standridge, Colton Chilcote
  • Etheree Poetry Contest Winners Colin Julian, Deegan Standridge, Colton Chilcote
  • Poetry Contest Winner Colin Julian
  • Etheree Poetry Contest Winner Colton Julian receiving his certificate from HSCHS President, Melissa Phillips
  • Etheree Poetry Contest Winner Deegan Standridge
  • Etheree Poetry Contest Deegan Standridge receiving his certificate from HSCHS President, Melissa Phillips
  • Etheree Poetry Context Winner Colton Chilcote
  • :Poetry Contest Winner Colton Chilcote receiving his certificate from HSCHS President, Melissa Phillips

Miscellaneous Events

Charter members Jack McCoy and Bonnie Stanley June 1, 2015
  • Charter members Jack McCoy and Bonnie Stanley June 1, 2015
  • Pioneer Days, May 2014 The Hot Spring County Historical Society's booth at the Friends of the Courthouse Pioneer Days at the Garland County Fairgrounds.
  • Pioneer Days, May 2014 The Hot Spring County Historical Society's booth at the Friends of the Courthouse Pioneer Days at the Garland County Fairgrounds. Pictured L-R, Garland County Melting Pot member, Barbara Errdmann and Hot Spring County Historical Society members, Homer Lawrence, President Mary Evelyn Lawrence, and Recording Secretary / Board of Director Bennie Lambert.
  • Gibson Cemetery cleanup April 2011 3
  • Gibson Cemetery cleanup April 2011
  • Gibson Cemetery cleanup April 2011
  • Gibson Cemetery cleanup April 2011
  • Gibson Cemetery cleanup April 2011 4
  • Gibson Cemetery Cleanup 11-21-2015
  • Gibson Cemetery Cleanup 11-21-2015 Paul Adcox, Noreen Houpt, Gerald Williams
  • Gibson Cemetery Cleanup 11-21-2015 Paul Adcox, Noreen Houpt
  • Hot Spring County History Fest Hot Spring County History Fest at Rockport City Park, September 24, 2016
  • Hot Spring County History Fest Hot Spring County History Fest at Rockport City Park, September 24, 2016
  • Hot Spring County History Fest Hot Spring County History Fest at Rockport City Park, September 24, 2016
  • Hot Spring County History Fest Hot Spring County History Fest at Rockport City Park, September 24, 2016