Hot Spring County, Arkansas Historical Society

Established January 12, 1968

All donations are tax deductible

In addition to cash and checks, we are now accepting payments through PayPal for Donations, Membership Dues, and Publication Purchases. PayPal payments can be paid to using your PayPal account. When paying with PayPal, please select "Friends and Family." PayPal informed us that we will not pay a fee if  that is selected. Forms still to be filled out and turned in at our office, or mailed by email or US Postal Service. The Donation form is below. See the menu above for Membership and Publication Purchase forms.

Cash Donations


Remember us in your Will

Funds are needed for the following items

Newspaper Microfilm Rolls - As of February 2020, they are $80 per roll, plus a $5 processing fee. Any amount donated will be appreciated. These will be purchased from the State Archives in Little Rock, Arkansas. Also acceptable are rolls from individuals and organizations who have rolls in their collections which they are wanting to donate.

Remodeling & Maintenance


3-ring binders (1 1/2", 2", & 3")

Acid-free sheet protectors

Acid-free photo paper

Archival photo sleeves

Archival folders & storage boxes