This is the official website of the Hot Spring County Historical Society.
Our regular hours are Fridays and Saturdays, 10-2. We are also open by appointment. There are times that Holidays and circumstances prevent us from being open, so feel free to Email, Facebook Message, or call us ahead of when you plan to come.
Our mission is to promote the preservation, writing, publishing, teaching and understanding of the local history of Hot Spring County Arkansas and the surrounding areas through the publication of The Heritage as well as other activities.
We welcome new members. Regular membership dues are $20.00 annually. With membership a person receives a complimentary issue of the current year's publication, The Heritage. If The Heritage is mailed there will be a $5.00 mailing fee for a total of $25.00 annually. Paid members can can purchase additional copies of The Heritage for $20.00 each, with $5.00 added for postage if mailed. Non-member cost is $25.00 each plus the $5.00 mailing fee, if mailed. Other levels of membership and the corresponding dues are listed on the Membership page.

The Heritage House is the home of the Hot Spring County Historical Society. It is located at 118 West 2nd Street, Malvern, Arkansas. Our meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of each month. When a regular meeting falls on or near a holiday, the meeting is generally held on the second Monday. Visitors are welcome.
The Heritage House is one block from the Hot Spring County Courthouse and about 2.5 blocks from the Hot Spring County Library and Boyle House Museum.
Click here for an enlargement of the map.